The funeral procession should be solemn and dignified. It is forbidden to accompany the body with music, loud recitations of The Quran or blatant demonstrations of grief. The deceased is transported to the cemetery in the hearse provided by the funeral home. It is recommended that all Muslims in the community make an effort to accompany the body to the cemetery in their own transportation.
One very important funeral rite in the Islamic faith is that burial take place as quickly as possible after death. For this reason, there is no viewing, wake, or visitation. Immediately after death, the body is washed and covered with a sheet by family members or service. The hands are placed as if in prayer. Then the body is transported to the location of the funeral, a mosque. There is rarely an open casket at an Islamic funeral.
At Islamic International funeral Services, we believe that a burial service should be a sacred experience. Our caring professionals will work with you as you select the merchandise and services that are right for you or your loved one. We offer a lovely selection of caskets in a variety of colors and headstones and plaques sure to meet your aesthetic tastes. Other accouterments such as floral arrangements, programs, and prayer cards give the service a unique and personal touch.
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